Sunday, November 30, 2014

Advent Calendar Dec 1st

A little bit early, but I couldn't resist: so here, for December 1st, is one of the central figures for any nativity scene: Mary, in a traditionally red dress, and with a warm hooded cape.

Download the pattern
Download the general introduction to the advent calendar (contains abbreviations list and materials needed)

A Note on Fair Use

I offer these patterns free as a gift for anyone to use. In the spirit of Christmas I therefore ask you not to use the patterns or the products made from it in any commercial way (i.e. selling either the patterns or products). You may, however, sell the products for non-military charity; if you do so, please recognize the origin of the patterns.

Welcome to my Advent Calendar!

From tomorrow, Dec 1st to Dec 24th, I will offer a little crocheting pattern every day. I hope you will find something that may interest you! Together, the patterns form a set, but any of them might also be nice to be used individually. You'll see!
None of these patterns are very time consuming, so they might offer a  bit of relaxation in between other things to do. At least, I hope so!
Barring any exceptional circumstances the patterns should be added for each day at GMT 10:00 at the latest.

Meanwhile, here is some general information on the patterns, materials used and maybe non-conventional notation - as a preparation for things to come, and hopefully, to whet your appetite!

Happy crocheting!

Hello and welcome to my blog!

This is, right now, rather experimental - and born of necessity.

For now, this blog is primarily intended to publish the patterns for my advent calendar. They were originally intended for the craft platform Ravelry. But on some reflection I decided that they might make a nice starting point for a blog long contemplated.

We'll see!